Senior Care News

Now What? Next Steps After a Dementia Diagnosis

Home Care in Lincoln NE

After receiving results indicating cognitive impairment, it’s important to take several steps to ensure the well-being of your loved one. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the next steps:

  • Start Journaling:
    Track changes in cognitive status, noting when they occur and what they look like.
  • Consult with Primary Care:
    Get lab work done to rule out vitamin deficiencies, monitor vital parameters, and manage other underlying conditions (such as diabetes).
  • Reviewing Medications: What are you taking, why, is there an alternate, is this the lowest dose? (reference the American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria® for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults)
  • Join a Support Group:
    Consider joining a local support group for caregivers. One in-person option meets at Lincoln Gere Library every 2nd Thursday at 6:30 pm.
  • Legal, Financial, and Long-Term Care Planning:
    • Prepare or update your advanced directives.
    • Review your will, living will, and establish Healthcare and Financial Power of Attorneys.
    • Share your POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) with healthcare providers.
    • Review your long-term care insurance benefits
  • Improve Home Safety:
    • Install technology like smart doorbells for monitoring.
    • Add grab bars, toilet rails, and a shower bench in the bathroom to prevent falls.
    • Consider a wearable device for GPS tracking.
  • Driving Evaluation:
    Get a driving evaluation, such as the Interactive Driving Simulator at Madonna (Lincoln: 402.413.3000).
  • Encourage Physical Activity:
    Promote daily physical activity to improve strength and balance.
  • Hire a Home Care Team:
    Consider hiring a home care team with dementia expertise. Contact Karla at Home Care Partners at 402-780-1211 for a free care consultation.

Start with a few hours of care and adjust as needed. Muscle memory makes home the easiest and most familiar place to continue your dementia journey.

  • Create a Routine:
    • Stick to familiar places, people, and routines.
    • Use compensatory strategies like digital calendars, marker boards, and notes for short-term recall.
  • Organize Medications:
    • Use a medication organizer with compartments for morning, afternoon, and evening doses.
    • Keep medication bottles out of sight.
  • Prepare for Social Experiences:
    Avoid crowded places and keep the environment calm and quiet.
  • Address Unmet Needs with P BREATHE:
    • P: Pain
    • B: Boredom
    • R: Restroom
    • E: Exhaustion
    • A: Approach
    • T: Thirst
    • H: Hunger
    • E: Environment
  • Self-Care: Create a care plan for yourself, what brings you joy, what gives you energy?
  • Focus on What Matters Most
  • Call for a free Care Consultation and prepare for what’s next. 402-780-1211

Karla Frese, Certified Dementia Practitioner Home Care Partners® Phone: (402) 780-1211,

Home Care Partners Staff

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