Senior Care News

Home Care Partners Recognized as an Age-Friendly Health System — Committed to Care Excellence

Home Care Partners

As an active participant in the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement, Home Care Partners is proud to have achieved special recognition as an Age-Friendly Health System — Committed to Care Excellence by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

This distinction requires working toward reliable practice of a set of four evidence-based elements of high-quality care for all older adults, known as the 4Ms: What Matters, Medication, Mind, and Mobility.

Home Care Partners is proud to join the ranks of organizations globally achieving success toward excellence in care for older adults.

The Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative continues to be an important part of our overarching vision to provide every older adult in our community with the best care possible. We strive to achieve recognition of excellent care from older adults and careers in our community, whom we serve.

Age-Friendly Health Systems is an initiative of The John A. Hartford Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), in partnership with the American Hospital Association (AHA) and the Catholic Health Association of the US (CHA). For more information, visit

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