Senior Care News

Dementia Care Tips for Turning NO into YES with Karla Frese

You can be 2 steps ahead! One of the biggest challenges people face when helping someone living with dementia is “getting them” to do activities of daily living. When someone is living with dementia, they may not remember the last time they did something, may have lost the ability to take the necessary multiple steps to complete a task, or no longer have the biological trigger to do something.

In this episode, Karla Frese with Home Care Partners shares ways to make sure you are 2 steps ahead so you and your loved one can be set up for success!

Karla walks us through the house, going room by room, providing solid strategies to move through a variety of sticky situations in activities of daily living that are often faced. We go through:

The Bathroom – showering, going to the bathroom, brushing teeth The Kitchen – eating, taking medications The Living Room – the routine, things getting lost The Garage – driving

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